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This is a scale model kit to be assembled by an adult; it includes all the parts as indicated, but it does not include glue or paints, that you can also buy at DModelkits Store.
Tamiya offers us a second version of its Toyota Supra GR kit, but incorporating a series of new parts to be able to customize it, just as it would happen with the real car.
New rims, side skirts, rear spoiler and rear diffuser are some of the parts and aerodynamic elements that this kit incorporates, so you can decide which elements you prefer to assemble and customize the Supra GR to your liking.
Additional details for the Toyota GR Supra Custom car scale model kit:
Manufactured by Tamiya in 1/24 scale with reference TAM24371.
Includes paint masks, plastic parts, rubber parts, water slide decals, other materials, assembly instructions and painting instructions.